Events at Keeler Recruitment

Engagement with the Norfolk community has always been important to the team at Keeler Recruitment Ltd.  Our events have enabled the local community to come together and collaborate with peers for a multitude of reasons. 

From a ‘Charity Casino Evening’ to ‘Boards on the Broads’ we have an event for everyone.  ‘Meet the FD’ is a do not miss event for anyone studying towards a professional accountancy qualification offering a panel of 6 Finance Directors to share experiences with a large group of Accountancy students.  As a business leader it can be lonely at the top and sometimes the need for peer support can be invaluable to taking the right decision in every day business.  The ‘Norwich Employability Forum’ and ‘Finance Director Breakfasts can offer just that!  Set in a personalised environment at the beautiful Royal Norwich Golf Club, these exclusive networking events have proven to be beneficial to business leaders who attend.  We are delighted with the testimonials we have gained from these events.

Finance Director's Breakfast

The Norfolk Finance Director breakfasts are unique to, and sponsored by, Keeler Recruitment. They run monthly in Norwich at the beautiful Stower Grange Hotel, are a by-invitation only event, and restricted to Norfolk Finance Directors. It gives FDs the opportunity to meet their peers and allows them to give and receive inspiration, support and ideas. The numbers for each event are purposely kept small and there is usually a waiting list to attend. These professional development events are delivered in board room style, and chaired by Keeler’s Associate Consultant and experienced board chairman Nigel Cushion

“Thank you for organizing and inviting me to this morning’s Norfolk FD Breakfast, very interesting and informative. The small group worked well to get to talk to individuals and for engagement compared to previous events I have been to where it’s large networking events but in reality, it’s listening to one person talk then everyone scurries off back to work.”

Aspiring Finance Director Breakfast


It was a pleasure to meet you all this morning and to get to know a little about your work-life challenges, both good and bad. Thank you for your feedback and advice, and thank you to Suzi and Nigel for hosting.”

Norwich Employability Forum

The Norwich Employability Forum (NEF) is also unique to and sponsored by Keeler Recruitment. It meets every quarter in Norwich over lunch at the beautiful Stower Grange Hotel and is a by-invitation-only event restricted to HR professionals. It gives HR professionals the opportunity to meet their peers and allows them to give and receive inspiration, support, and ideas. Any HR professional wishing to join should contact Keeler Recruitment.

These professional development events are delivered in conference style and co-hosted by Keeler Founder Mark Keeler and Keeler Associate Consultant Nigel Cushion.

“I am really quite introverted, so don’t find networking all that easy but I have to say your breakfast NEF was the very best event I have attended thank you so much” – HR Director

Paddleboarding with Go Paddle

In partnership with paddle board experts Go Paddle, we offer networking on the Norfolk Broads. This is a great way to improve mental health, have fun and connect with business professionals on a summer’s evening. All proceeds from the event are donated to Break Charity.

“I loved the paddleboard event! Getting out on the river after a day at work was great for the mind, especially given I managed to avoid falling in!”

Charity Casino Evening

Each year, Keeler Recruitment host a Charity Casino evening at the Theatre Royal Norwich with a difference!  Raising money for Break Charity, It has already embedded itself in the heart of the finance community adding value and entertainment to the Norfolk business community.

“Just a quick note from me to say thanks for organising an excellent event last night – we had a blast! A fantastic amount raised too! You guys did a cracking job”

YPG Charity Ball

Norwich YPG is a networking group aimed towards youngers professionals in the local community, the annual ball and monthly events are a way to meet like-minded people, network, and build relationships with other friendly professionals.  Keeler Recruitment are proud to sponsor the annual ball which brings all Norfolk business professionals together to enjoy an evening of fun.